Principal herewith grants a continuing power of attorney to and orders against consideration:
Schmidt Global Relocations, Stationsweg Oost 281D, 3931 ER Woudenberg/ Fast Forward Freight BV, to act as direct representative in the name and for the account of Principal in conformity with Article 18, and further, of the Union Customs Code (Regulation no. 952/2013/EU), in all matters pertaining to customs formalities upon import, transit or export, required by Dutch law or EU regulations, of any merchandise shipped or consigned by or to the Principal. Principal indemnifies Schmidt Global Relocations BV from and against all damages, claims or other expenses, unless caused by design or gross neglect on the part of the company or its supervisory employees. Herewith
This power of attorney includes the authorization to:
Principal is obliged to keep, during a period of 7 years, a copy of the documents and records provided by him/it pertaining to each declaration.
This authorization may be cancelled/revoked in writing, in due observance of a term of one month.